
  • National Clips

    National Clips

    June 12, 2003

    BIRMINGHAM, Ala.: Prison labor is back With a rising prison population and a state budget crisis, Alabama has been contracting-out people in jail to a furniture maker and a telemarketer. Prison labor, once outlawed, is back...

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  • Texas Homeland Security scandal brews

    Texas Homeland Security scandal brews

    June 12, 2003

    AUSTIN, Texas – A scandal is brewing in Texas related to the use of the Department of Homeland Security and other law enforcement resources to advance the partisan political agenda of the right-wing extremists who control...

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  • These cuts wont heal

    These cuts wont heal

    June 6, 2003

    The Medical-Industrial complex targets Medicare and Medicaid(see related story below) The Medical-Industrial complex has set its sights not only on reaping massive profits from the medical insurance, durable equipment, bio-med technology (the ooh ah bells and...

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  • Little Maine: the dragon slayer

    Little Maine: the dragon slayer

    June 6, 2003 By Phil E. Benjamin

    When two British publications – The Economist magazine and The Financial Times – pay tribute, of sorts, to the actions of a single state in the USA, you can be sure that history has been made.

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  • Urgent campaign to save San Pedro River

    Urgent campaign to save San Pedro River

    June 6, 2003

    Tucson, Ariz. – The continued existence of the Southwest’s ecologically vital San Pedro River is under severe threat, environmental activists say, because of a rider to the FY 2004 Defense Authorization Act. The proposed new clause,...

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