
  • Vet health care  worth saving

    Vet health care worth saving

    May 29, 2003 By Wally Kaufman

    Under the headline “A Storm is Brewing,” the May issue of The American Legion Magazine contains an interview with National Commander Ronald F. Conley, an Air Force veteran and pipe fitter from Pittsburgh.

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  • Fighting a home foreclosure on the Iron Range

    Fighting a home foreclosure on the Iron Range

    May 29, 2003

    When Janet Johnson went to help her mother, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s, make arrangements for her care, she never suspected that it would lead down a road of home foreclosure and even more heartache. Yet,...

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  • Anger grows at deaths of 19 immigrants

    Anger grows at deaths of 19 immigrants

    May 29, 2003

    A Mexican Air Force C-180 cargo plane flew the bodies of 19 immigrant workers back to Mexico last week for burial in many grief-stricken cities and towns. But grief is turning to anger as families of...

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  • FCC rule changes threaten freedom of press

    FCC rule changes threaten freedom of press

    May 29, 2003

    The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) will vote June 2 on rules governing media ownership, allowing further consolidation and control by the nation’s largest media corporations. Advocacy groups such as the Center for Digital Democracy and nearly...

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  • Taxes: No pretty sunsets here

    Taxes: No pretty sunsets here

    May 29, 2003

    On May 23 Congress passed a $320 billion tax cut. Or was it $350 billion? Or $550 billion? But what ever its size, one thing is certain: it was another bonanza for the richest of the...

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