
  • Chicagos Hot House update and appeal

    Chicagos Hot House update and appeal

    May 23, 2003

    Since the unexpected closure on May 9, HotHouse, the Center for International Performance and Exhibition, has worked around the clock to understand and respond to the allegations levied against it by the City of Chicago. To...

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  • Eight days in May: Birmingham and the struggle for civil rights

    Eight days in May: Birmingham and the struggle for civil rights

    May 22, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    The eight days between May 2 and May 10, 1963, when thousands of school children in Birmingham, Ala., defied the fire hoses and police dogs of Eugene “Bull” Connor, marked a turning point in the civil...

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  • State budget crisis deepens

    State budget crisis deepens

    May 22, 2003 By David Eisenhower

    In her analysis of “The State Fiscal Crisis” for the Center for Budget Priorities, Lisa McNichol reveals the dimensions of the most serious budget crisis in decades.

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  • Innovative Maine Rx plan gets boost

    Innovative Maine Rx plan gets boost

    May 22, 2003

    WASHINGTON – In a preliminary victory for consumers, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a 6-to-3 decision, has lifted the injunction that had put Maine’s innovative effort to reduce the cost of prescription drugs on hold. Drug...

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  • Over 100 cities challenge Patriot Act

    Over 100 cities challenge Patriot Act

    May 22, 2003

    Civil liberties groups hailed passage yesterday evening of a pro-civil liberties resolution by the Baltimore City Council, making the largest city in Maryland the 108th community nationwide to officially express concern over unnecessary erosions of basic...

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