
  • Illinois seniors rally for prescription drug relief

    Illinois seniors rally for prescription drug relief

    May 16, 2003 By Rosita Johnson

    SPRINGFIELD – Hundreds of senior citizens from every corner of Illinois converged on the State Capitol in Springfield on April 30 to demand passage of the Senior Citizens Drug Discount Plan. Wearing their Illinois Alliance for...

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  • Students read-in for books not bombs

    Students read-in for books not bombs

    May 16, 2003

    Students from Philadelphia high schools and colleges weren’t about to let studying for finals get in the way of their participation in the National Youth and Students Peace Committee (NYSPC) May 6 “Books Not Bombs” Day...

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  • No jobs for youth

    No jobs for youth

    May 16, 2003 By Art Perlo

    It is widely known that official unemployment figures are far too low. Millions of jobless workers are “counted out” of the labor market – they just don’t exist, as far as the statistics are concerned.

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    May 16, 2003

    MIAMI, Florida –Save Our Kids from Gov. Bush On Mother’s Day scores of elected officials, community and religious leaders launched a campaign defying Governor Jeb Bush’s Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test (FCAT). The group charges that the...

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  • Protest blasts corporate media

    Protest blasts corporate media

    May 16, 2003

    PHILADELPHIA – Nearly 300 people protested monopoly control of the media at a rally and march to ABC, NBC and Clear Channel Radio headquarters here on May 12. Sponsored by a coalition of anti-war and grassroots...

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