
  • Changes are happening to your World/Mundo

    Changes are happening to your World/Mundo

    May 16, 2003

    CHICAGO – I was talking to a subscriber today and mentioned that our editorial office – the place where these very pages get put together week-after-week – was moving from New York City to Chicago.

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  • Texas Democrats defy GOP power grab

    Texas Democrats defy GOP power grab

    May 16, 2003 By Mark Almberg

    ARDMORE, Okla. – The power grab by President George W. Bush, his advisor Karl Rove, and U.S. Majority Leader Tom DeLay to redraw Texas congressional districts in order to send up to seven new right-wing extremists...

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  • Extreme poverty up sharply among Black children

    Extreme poverty up sharply among Black children

    May 15, 2003

    The number of African-American children living in the harshest, most extreme conditions of poverty has climbed to its highest level in 23 years, according to a recent study by the Washington DC-based Children’s Defense Fund (CDF)....

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  • Mother’s Day Proclamation of 1870

    Mother’s Day Proclamation of 1870

    May 9, 2003 By World Combined Sources

    Each year, every president since Woodrow Wilson has issued a Mother’s Day Proclamation. However, the original Mother’s Day Proclamation was made in 1870, unrelated to the holiday. Written by Julia Ward Howe, perhaps best known today...

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  • Job safety worsens under Bush

    Job safety worsens under Bush

    May 9, 2003 By Press Associates Inc.

    Job safety and health under the Bush administration features less enforcement and increased big business clout, a new AFL-CIO report titled Death on the Job: A Toll of Neglect, says. The report was released as unions...

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