
  • EDITORIAL: Talk to Iran

    EDITORIAL: Talk to Iran

    July 1, 2008

    Earlier this month, members of Congress joined a wide range of groups in a “Time to Talk to Iran” event on Capitol Hill. Lawmakers say they are being inundated by a “drumbeat of war” from “neo-con”-type...

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  • What Obama didnt say on Fathers Day

    What Obama didnt say on Fathers Day

    June 24, 2008

    In a widely acclaimed speech at an African American church on Chicago’s South Side to commemorate Father’s Day, Barack Obama gave a presentation that, while acknowledging the racial challenges of the past, gave great weight to...

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  • EDITORIAL:Summer job blues

    EDITORIAL:Summer job blues

    June 24, 2008

    Youth joblessness is reaching record highs this summer, hitting 66 percent nationwide (the highest since unemployment data was first collected in the 1960s). These numbers rise dramatically for African American youth, who in Chicago face an...

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  • EDITORIAL: Sexism is poison

    EDITORIAL: Sexism is poison

    June 24, 2008

    With the windup of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, much attention has been focused on the role of sexism in our national discourse. Some of the discussion has sought to pit sexism against racism, suggesting that racism...

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  • Desolation in Myanmar

    Desolation in Myanmar

    June 14, 2008

    In the aftermath of a major natural disaster, the ongoing tragedy that is playing out in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) is unnecessary and criminal. The military junta, which had initially withheld relief aid from reaching...

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