
  • A river walk and garden for the ages

    A river walk and garden for the ages

    June 14, 2008 By Nick Bart

    The man was well dressed, one might even say dapper. He moved to the front of the packed room with a professorial air. Born of the 19th century and known for his advocacy for social justice,...

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  • Why are oil prices going through the roof?

    Why are oil prices going through the roof?

    June 3, 2008 By Susan Webb

    As she watched the numbers flick upward while filling her car at a gas station in Providence, R.I., the other day, a woman turned to another customer with a grimace and said, “I told my kids...

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  • The age of progress?

    The age of progress?

    May 30, 2008 By James Thompson

    Karl Marx and Frederick Engels ushered in a new philosophical view in their various works. Dialectical materialism became the scientific method which made sense of the universe. It has been borne out in quantum physics and...

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  • Taking global poverty seriously

    Taking global poverty seriously

    May 30, 2008

    Scatter-shot efforts, no matter how innovative, will not suffice to reverse the awful trends now evident around the world. New plagues — AIDS, drug-resistant tuberculosis and hospital-acquired “superbugs” of all sorts — sweep rapidly across vast...

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  • Three contrasting congresses meet in Germany

    Three contrasting congresses meet in Germany

    May 29, 2008

    Berlin – Three all-German congresses were held this past weekend; all important but very different. The bad news first. The beautiful old city of Bamberg hosted the national congress of the National Party (NPD) – the...

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