
  • EDITORIAL: Congressional elections matter

    EDITORIAL: Congressional elections matter

    March 17, 2006

    Peace-loving, working-class, progressive and left-minded people are commemorating the third anniversary of an illegal, immoral war this weekend. While mourning the thousands of dead and war-wounded Americans and Iraqis and worrying about attacks on democratic rights,...

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  • North Carolina confronts shameful history

    North Carolina confronts shameful history

    March 17, 2006

    WILMINGTON, N.C. — An eager crowd squeezed into the auditorium of the Cape Fear Museum Feb. 28 to discuss what happened here 108 years ago. They were enthusiastic about the chance to discuss events that until...

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  • Time for a new civil rights revolution

    Time for a new civil rights revolution

    March 17, 2006

    NEW HAVEN, Conn. — “They have lied and spied on the American people. We have been in Iraq for three years, it’s time we get out now,” said Jarvis Tyner, guest speaker at the 32nd annual...

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  • U.S. readying military attack on Iran

    U.S. readying military attack on Iran

    March 10, 2006

    News Analysis Evidence is mounting that the Bush administration is preparing a major military attack on Islamic Republic of Iran. In January investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reported that top military and intelligence officials told him, “the...

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  • Why we act

    Why we act

    March 10, 2006

    There are few roles in our constitutional government that are more frustrating than being a member of the minority party during a period of one party control of the government. However, at a time when the...

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