
  • Joe Barton — always Big Oil’s man — from the archives

    Joe Barton — always Big Oil’s man — from the archives

    March 10, 2006 By Gene Lantz

    Did you hear that great groaning sound? It was us, the people of Texas, expressing our opinion about the news that Congressman Joe Barton was fixing to investigate somebody.

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  • Immigrant rights: Put mass pressure on Congress now!

    Immigrant rights: Put mass pressure on Congress now!

    March 10, 2006

    NewsAnalysis This month must see greatly increased pressure from the progressive grassroots, or very nasty anti-immigrant legislation will likely be enacted. The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), has presented a draft plan...

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  • Electoral coup in Palestine

    Electoral coup in Palestine

    March 4, 2006

    There is no doubt that the recent legislative council elections in Palestine were an electoral coup. Due to the nature of this coup and because of the current conditions at the regional and international level, it...

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  • A monster was unveiled!

    A monster was unveiled!

    March 3, 2006

    Commercial news reporters and pundits have lately made a great to-do about the 50th anniversary of Nikita Khrushchev’s famous “secret” speech denouncing Stalin’s leadership in the old Soviet Union. They credit the speech with beginning a...

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  • Shani breaks the rules

    Shani breaks the rules

    March 3, 2006

    Olympic gold-medal winner Shani Davis is not playing by the rules. I don’t mean the Olympic rules of international athletic competition. He has abided by those. He trained hard, practiced long, competed honestly. He should be...

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