
  • The Bush budget

    The Bush budget

    February 20, 2004

    Opinion The Bush administration has come forward with a $2.4 trillion budget, which includes a $521 billion official budget deficit, and a $401 billion military budget that doesn’t count the cost of the occupation of Iraq,...

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  • State of the Union

    State of the Union

    February 20, 2004

    Opinion I found the following while rummaging around in my brain. During the period between WTC and Dubya’s last S-of-the-U speech I had this chronic crick in my neck as a result of constantly looking back...

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  • The sheriff who issues pink underwear

    The sheriff who issues pink underwear

    February 13, 2004

    Opinion Meet Joe Arpaio, husband, father, grandfather and the toughest sheriff in America, as he calls himself. Elected in 1992 to run the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) in Phoenix, Ariz., the fourth largest sheriff’s office...

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  • Beyond rebel flags and pickup trucks

    Beyond rebel flags and pickup trucks

    February 13, 2004

    Opinion It was too bad that Dr. Dean backed away from his stated desire to become the candidate of the bubbas sporting rebel flags in their pickup trucks. It would have been better if he had...

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  • Learning from Canada

    Learning from Canada

    February 13, 2004

    Opinion I lived in Manitoba, Canada, for 10 years and traveled extensively across Canada. In Montreal I was taken by a group of trade unionists to a monument erected to the memory of Dr. Norman Bethune,...

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