
  • 2003s stinkiest media performances

    2003s stinkiest media performances

    January 16, 2004

    Opinion The P.U.-litzer Prizes were established more than a decade ago to give recognition to the stinkiest media performances of the year. As usual, I have conferred with Jeff Cohen, founder of the media watch group...

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  • The raid on civil rights at Goose Creek

    The raid on civil rights at Goose Creek

    January 9, 2004

    Opinion Suppose the police in one community staged, with guns drawn, a drug raid at a high school and rounded up more than one hundred students to search and arrest – but found no drugs. Suppose...

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  • Enola Gay: the Smithsonian edits history

    Enola Gay: the Smithsonian edits history

    January 9, 2004

    Opinion The Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945 – a marvel of technology? A worthy subject for a historical exhibit, rather like Disneyland’s Robot Lincoln? The...

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  • A fairy tale

    A fairy tale

    January 9, 2004

    Opinion All right, children, sit still while I tell you a fairy tale, one with heroic heroes, evil villains, and an unbelievably happy ending. Our tale starts with a king (after all, he was anointed and...

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  • Capitalism and human misery  a 2003 report card

    Capitalism and human misery a 2003 report card

    January 9, 2004

    Opinion We are living in an era of highly developed means of production, high-speed communication technology and sophisticated transportation systems. Thanks to the accelerating progress in science and technology and in spite of the hindering effects...

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