
  • Mentally ill abandoned by the system

    Mentally ill abandoned by the system

    December 5, 2003

    Opinion Fifty years ago half a million of us lived in public mental health hospitals, some voluntary but many against their will. How is it that today, by some estimates, only approximately 80,000 of us are...

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  • Bush administration resurrects J. Edgar Hoover

    Bush administration resurrects J. Edgar Hoover

    December 5, 2003

    Opinion As the right wing in the U.S. is in lock-step in its attempted march back in time, using twisted reasoning for public consumption, a report from The New York Times lets us know that the...

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  • Medicare: It aint over til its over

    Medicare: It aint over til its over

    December 5, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    News Analysis Although the Medicare bill that squeezed through Congress purports to provide relief to some seniors, it also gives big pharmaceutical companies nearly free reign to fleece taxpayers with exorbitantly priced drugs.

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  • A question of fairness: rights for gay couples

    A question of fairness: rights for gay couples

    November 27, 2003

    Opinion Increasingly, Americans are discovering that gay couples can be good neighbors who work, pay taxes, and contribute to their communities just like other couples. The vast majority of Americans support the kind of legal protections...

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  • The dump-Bush strategy for independent media

    The dump-Bush strategy for independent media

    November 14, 2003 By Noel Rabinowitz

    Opinion The right wing’s media strategy to slant the odds in the upcoming 2004 elections will draw from its familiar bag of tricks, with help from its ultra-wealthy friends.

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