
  • Can we reindustrialize?

    Can we reindustrialize?

    June 15, 2007

    Last month Toyota surpassed General Motors as the world’s biggest automaker. It’s only the latest sign that U.S. manufacturing industry is in trouble. So is British manufacturing, according to a recent analysis by the Economic Committee...

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  • Teaching solidarity and fraternity in sports

    Teaching solidarity and fraternity in sports

    June 8, 2007

    Cuba is a sporting power thanks to the efforts of the revolutionary government to promote the practice of athletes on a mass scale, permitting the island to insert itself among the most privileged places in the...

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  • A complication of adverse conditions

    A complication of adverse conditions

    June 8, 2007

    The eruption of internal clashes between Fatah and Hamas recently in Gaza was a renewal of the fighting that blighted the Strip in the months before the agreement to form a unity government. It came as...

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  • Villa Grimaldi: Chiles memorial to victims of torture

    Villa Grimaldi: Chiles memorial to victims of torture

    June 8, 2007 By Mark Almberg

    Despite the restoration of many democratic freedoms in Chile over the past decade, the country is still saddled with the “Pinochet constitution,” a document that is skewed in favor of the interests of foreign corporations, big...

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  • U.S. food exporters: End Cuba blockade

    U.S. food exporters: End Cuba blockade

    June 8, 2007

    Three days of talks in Havana on U.S. food sales to Cuba between U.S. agribusiness representatives and leaders of Alimport, Cuba’s food importing company, ended May 30 with signed contracts worth $118 million and Cuban promises...

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