
  • Inuit leader sounds alarm on global warming

    Inuit leader sounds alarm on global warming

    April 21, 2006

    ‘We’re the early warning system for the rest of the world,’ says Arctic resident When she was growing up in an Inuit community in northern Quebec, Sheila Watt-Cloutier never rode anything faster than a dog sled....

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  • We thought it was oil, But it was blood

    We thought it was oil, But it was blood

    April 14, 2006

    The other day We danced in the street Joy in our hearts We thought we were free Three young folks fell to our right Countless more fell to our left Looking up, Far from the crowd...

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  • Silenced again: My Name is Rachel Corrie postponed indefinitely

    Silenced again: My Name is Rachel Corrie postponed indefinitely

    April 7, 2006

    New York City is known throughout the world as a bastion of free artistic expression. That is, apparently, unless the art is about the struggle of the Palestinian people. Or at least that was the message...

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  • At Agent Orange meet, a plea to U.S.

    At Agent Orange meet, a plea to U.S.

    April 7, 2006

    HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — Activists and Vietnam War veterans wrapped up a global conference on Agent Orange March 29 with a plea to the U.S. government and chemical companies to take responsibility for health problems linked...

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  • A million UK workers strike for their pensions

    A million UK workers strike for their pensions

    April 7, 2006

    On March 28 over a million local government workers staged Britain’s biggest nationwide walkout since the 1926 general strike. And they warned that they will strike again and again if necessary to stop the government from...

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