
  • Sudan and Darfur: The problem is political

    Sudan and Darfur: The problem is political

    June 9, 2006

    The following is a response to questions posed by the People’s Weekly World editorial board to Fathi M. El Fadl, a leader of the Sudanese Communist Party, about the current situation in Sudan and in particular...

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  • U.S. residents less healthy than Canadians

    U.S. residents less healthy than Canadians

    June 9, 2006

    A study by Harvard Medical School researchers in the July 2006 issue of the American Journal of Public Health finds that U.S. residents are less healthy than Canadians. Moreover, despite spending nearly twice as much per...

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  • UN spotlights continuing scourge of AIDS

    UN spotlights continuing scourge of AIDS

    June 9, 2006

    UNITED NATIONS — Twenty-five years after AIDS was first detected, in Los Angeles, and five years after the UN General Assembly adopted the “Declaration on Commitment on HIV/AIDS,” heads of state, ambassadors, representatives of nongovernmental organizations...

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  • Cubans jailed in U.S. as spies are hailed at home as heroes

    Cubans jailed in U.S. as spies are hailed at home as heroes

    June 4, 2006

    HAVANA—European tourists here send home postcards with stamps bearing the images of five faces, known simply as los muchachos (the young men) or los cinco (the five). The faces, usually surrounded by billowing Cuban flags, stare...

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  • Chile revisited  a hopeful time

    Chile revisited a hopeful time

    May 19, 2006

    Everything looked different as we landed in Santiago Chile last month. The Andes Mountains were still awesome, even if the snow cap is shrinking. Just a few miles away, the Pacific Ocean still sparkled blue. The...

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