
  • Hunger strikers tortured at Guantanamo. UN report calls for closing U.S. prison

    Hunger strikers tortured at Guantanamo. UN report calls for closing U.S. prison

    February 17, 2006

    WASHINGTON — Grisly details of torture of detainees at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are revealed in a new UN report, not yet released. The torture includes jamming feeding tubes up the nostrils...

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  • Hotel flap reveals imperialist essence of U.S. relationship to Mexico

    Hotel flap reveals imperialist essence of U.S. relationship to Mexico

    February 14, 2006

    A storm is raging in Mexico over extraterritorial rights claimed by the United States. On Feb. 3, 16 Cuban oil industry officials were thrown out of the Sheraton Maria Isabel Hotel in downtown Mexico City, the...

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  • Schafik Handal, revolutionary leader, 75

    Schafik Handal, revolutionary leader, 75

    February 10, 2006

    Tributes from around the world flooded in to the Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN) last week on the death of Schafik Jorge Handal, a distinguished revolutionary leader in El Salvador. On Jan. 24,...

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    February 10, 2006

    India: Airport workers on strike About 23,000 employees at Mumbai and Delhi airports successfully resolved their strike that followed a decision by the authorities to turn over the airports to private companies for upgrading. All of...

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  • Venezuelans speak their minds

    Venezuelans speak their minds

    February 10, 2006

    CARACAS, Venezuela — As this city filled up with delegates from 160 countries attending the sixth World Social Forum last month, one thing seemed to be on their minds: learning more about the revolutionary process taking...

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