
  • Priests arrest spotlights Haiti repression

    Priests arrest spotlights Haiti repression

    October 29, 2004

    Father Gerard Jean-Juste, a Roman Catholic priest, pro-democracy activist, former Lavalas government cabinet minister and defender of the poor was arrested by Haitian police on Oct. 13, becoming the latest victim of the unfolding wave of...

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  • China moves to reduce rural poverty

    China moves to reduce rural poverty

    October 22, 2004

    At the first-ever China Poverty Eradication Award ceremony on Oct. 17 — the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty — China announced with great pride that the poor population in the country’s rural areas had...

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  • Elections, democracy and Afghanistan

    Elections, democracy and Afghanistan

    October 15, 2004

    News Analysis In its drive to show the world — and the American people — that Washington can bring “democracy” to areas where it’s deemed lacking around the globe, the Bush administration has set great store...

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  • Haitian regime escalates repression

    Haitian regime escalates repression

    October 8, 2004

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia — According to an American filmmaker and journalist living in Haiti, the country’s U.S.-installed government is intensifying its repression of supporters of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Speaking via telephone from Haiti to a...

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  • Germans on the march against reforms

    Germans on the march against reforms

    August 27, 2004

    BERLIN — People are suddenly on the march again. The government’s “reform package” known as “Agenda 2010,” but especially its cruelest item, the jobless reform law, has shaken German working people and especially the jobless out...

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