
  • International Notes

    International Notes

    August 21, 2004

    Greece: Rally honors workers who died Hundreds gathered in downtown Athens Aug. 10 for an open-air memorial service honoring 13 workers killed during the frantic scramble to finish facilities for the Olympic Games. The ceremony was...

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  • Battle for democracy reaches new stage in Iran

    Battle for democracy reaches new stage in Iran

    August 21, 2004

    The strategy and tactics of Iran’s “reformists” allied with President Mohammad Khatami suffered a crushing defeat during the parliamentary elections last February, in part because thousands of their candidates were disqualified by the country’s ultra-conservative Guardian...

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  • Why Puerto Ricans were celebrating

    Why Puerto Ricans were celebrating

    August 21, 2004

    The defeat of the U.S. Olympic basketball team by the Puerto Rican team was cause for great jubilation in Puerto Rico. The loss by a lopsided score of 92-73 was declared “historic” by the press because...

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  • The strange twists of U.S. refugee policy

    The strange twists of U.S. refugee policy

    August 21, 2004

    Citing terrorist dangers, Federal immigration authorities announced a crackdown at U.S. borders with Canada and Mexico Aug. 11. Refugees who are detained will no longer have access to U.S. courts for rulings as to whether they...

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  • Iraq’s communists urge political solutions

    Iraq’s communists urge political solutions

    August 21, 2004 By Susan Webb

    The military confrontation in Najaf needs to be resolved politically, through dialogue, Iraqi Communist Party spokesperson Salam Ali told the World in an Aug. 14 interview.

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