
  • U.S. Cuba policy out of tune

    U.S. Cuba policy out of tune

    November 7, 2003

    Opinion Did you see where Benjamin Treuhaft, a piano tuner in the U.S., is being pursued by the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) because in 1994 he went to Cuba and tuned pianos...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    November 7, 2003

    Britain: Mail strikers spied upon While Royal Mail and postal union leaders in London announced on Nov. 3 the settlement of a two-week long unauthorized strike by the nation’s postal workers, the Guardian has reported that...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    October 31, 2003

    S. Africa: Shoprite strikers march A thousand striking Shoprite Checkers workers marched through Johannesburg Oct. 24 before presenting their demands at the company’s headquarters. Strikers planned similar marches in other cities. The workers were accompanied by...

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  • Israeli CP attacked

    Israeli CP attacked

    October 31, 2003

    HAIFA, Israel – General Secretary of the Communist Party of Israel and Arab Israeli lawmaker Issam Mahoul and wife, Su’ad, survived a car bomb explosion and fire on Oct. 24. Mahoul represents the Democratic Front for...

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  • Senate rebukes Bush on Cuba

    Senate rebukes Bush on Cuba

    October 30, 2003

    By a voice vote, the U.S. Senate last week approved an amendment to the Department of Transportation bill that would strip the government of all funding for the enforcement of its much-criticized ban on travel to...

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