
  • Rights activist gets Nobel Prize

    Rights activist gets Nobel Prize

    October 16, 2003

    The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Iranian human rights activist and lawyer, Shirin Ebadi, on Oct. 10, has significant internal and international implications for the development of political events in Iran. This prize is...

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  • No votes urged on Bush Iraq bill

    No votes urged on Bush Iraq bill

    October 16, 2003 By Susan Webb

    With a congressional vote expected shortly on President Bush’s $87 billion request for the occupation of Iraq, a growing number of lawmakers have announced they will vote against it.

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  • Cuban foreign minister speaks in Harlem

    Cuban foreign minister speaks in Harlem

    October 10, 2003

    NEW YORK – Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs Felipe Pérez Roque made a powerful indictment of the United States’ role in harassing and blackmailing the Cuban people and government throughout the last 40 years when he...

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  • More setbacks for Bush on Iraq

    More setbacks for Bush on Iraq

    October 10, 2003 By Susan Webb

    The Bush administration’s effort to get international cover for its Iraq occupation suffered a serious setback at the United Nations last week when Secretary-General Kofi Annan said the UN must be given a leading role in...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    October 9, 2003

    Cuba: U.S. charges of bioterrorism a ‘lie’ Cuba’s Foreign Ministry has denounced the resurrection of discredited U.S. claims, originally made last year, that Cuba is developing biological weapons. Such charges constitute a “cynical lie,” the Foreign...

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