Scabs paid to break British Airways strike
March 31, 2010Striking British Airway workers' union leaders have slated the airline's bosses for blowing millions of pounds on exorbitant wages and expenses for scabs attempting to break the cabin crew strike.
Read moreWorld Notes: Palestine, Cuba, Japan, Uganda, Costa Rica
March 30, 2010Palestine: Israel wins "water wars" The Israeli Human rights group B'Tselem took March 26, the UN designated International Water Day, as underscoring Israeli control and use of 80 percent of the water from West Bank rivers...
Read moreChilean earthquakes, tsunamis and politics
March 24, 2010An eyewitness account of Chile's earthquake and the ensuing political struggle that took place immediately after the disaster.
Read moreFree Liliany Obando
March 23, 2010Now and then one individual stands out as an indictment against injustice. That would be Liliany Obando, incarcerated in Bogota's Buen Pastor Women's Prison for almost two years.
Read moreCuba blockade costs American jobs
March 22, 2010The figures are staggering. Even a minor easing of the US blockade against Cuba would create tens of thousands new jobs in the US.
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