
  • Cuba-US:  Frosty relations no bar to communication

    Cuba-US: Frosty relations no bar to communication

    July 4, 2009

    HAVANA, Jul 3 (IPS) - Cuba and the United States are poised to resume talks on migration issues any time now, although the five Cuban agents imprisoned in the U.S. remain 'a formidable obstacle' to normalising...

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  • Biden in Iraq to press ‘work needed to get our troops back

    Biden in Iraq to press ‘work needed to get our troops back

    July 4, 2009 By Susan Webb

    Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Iraq yesterday for meetings with Iraqi leaders and U.S. commanders. His visit comes just after most U.S. troops withdrew from Iraq’s cities and towns June 30, step one in a...

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  • Honduras coup protesters on day 6

    Honduras coup protesters on day 6

    July 4, 2009

    Tegucigalpa, Jul 3 (Prensa Latina) The Popular Resistance Front of Honduras continues demonstrating for the sixth consecutive day against the military coup and for the return of President Manuel Zelaya. 'We will fearlessly continue until the...

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  • Israel ‘committed war crimes in Gaza’

    Israel ‘committed war crimes in Gaza’

    July 4, 2009

    Original source: Amnesty has accused the Israeli military of 'reckless conduct, disregard for civilian lives and a consistent failure to distinguish between military targets and civilians.' In the first in-depth report by a rights group on...

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  • WORLDNOTES: Canada, Russia, Iraq, Japan, Latin America and Cuba

    WORLDNOTES: Canada, Russia, Iraq, Japan, Latin America and Cuba

    July 3, 2009

    Canada: Trade pact approved The Canadian Senate approved a Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement June 17 as Canada’s first bilateral trade agreement ratified since 2002. Critics contrasted that action with the government’s reluctance to approve a Canada-Colombia...

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