
  • The hemispheric significance of the Honduras events

    The hemispheric significance of the Honduras events

    July 2, 2009

    Honduran President Manuel Zelaya has announced he will return to his country this weekend, accompanied by a distinguished group of Latin American and International figures including Organization of American States Secretary General José Miguel Insulza and...

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  • Who wants to kill the bees?

    Who wants to kill the bees?

    July 2, 2009 By l’Humanite

    Translated by Shelagh Rothero (l'Humanite) The bee may have inhabited the earth for more than 80 million years- long before Man-and has survived all the upheavals of our planet, but its present situation has become a...

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  • Israel threatens and boards Gaza aid ship

    Israel threatens and boards Gaza aid ship

    July 1, 2009

    Original source: Solidarity activists have called on Tel Aviv to 'call off their attack dogs' after commandos boarded their converted ferry and threatened to arrest them unless they turned back from Gaza. The Spirit of Humanity,...

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  • Victim spots muggers using Google maps

    Victim spots muggers using Google maps

    July 1, 2009

    Dutch twin brothers who mugged a teenager in the northern town of Groningen were arrested after being caught on camera by a car gathering images for Google's online photo map service, police said. The pair stole...

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  • ‘Underlying conditions’ for Honduras coup?

    ‘Underlying conditions’ for Honduras coup?

    July 1, 2009

    The generals, oligarchs and corrupt politicians who perpetrated Sunday’s coup d’état against Honduran president Manuel Zelaya are beginning to sweat as militant demonstrations and strikes continue in the capital of Tegucigalpa and elsewhere, as stories of...

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