
  • WORLD NOTES Afghanistan, Somalia, United Nations, Cuba, Great Britain, Mexico

    WORLD NOTES Afghanistan, Somalia, United Nations, Cuba, Great Britain, Mexico

    May 22, 2009

    Afghanistan: Bombings lead to impasse President Hamid Karzai demanded recently that U.S. air raids against the Taliban cease. His nationally televised plea came after U.S. bombs earlier this month reportedly killed over 100 civilians in western...

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  • Obama stands firm on shutting down Gitmo

    Obama stands firm on shutting down Gitmo

    May 22, 2009

    WASHINGTON — At the National Archives here, standing in front of a backdrop depicting the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence, President Obama declared that operating the torture prison at Guantanamo set...

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  • Probe uncovers Catholic schools horror in Ireland

    Probe uncovers Catholic schools horror in Ireland

    May 22, 2009

    Original source: An investigation into Ireland's Roman Catholic-run institutions has found that thousands of boys and girls were terrorised in workhouse-style schools for decades. It also revealed that government inspectors failed to stop the chronic beatings,...

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  • The nameless factory behind the Lipton global brand name

    The nameless factory behind the Lipton global brand name

    May 21, 2009

    Be the best you can be': Unilever's Lipton tea factory in Karachi has no name, no logo and no permanent employees. Lipton, as one of Unilever's leading billion dollar brands, is aggressively promoted in multi-million dollar...

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  • Free-marketeer to take power in India

    Free-marketeer to take power in India

    May 21, 2009

    Original source: Indian PM Manmohan Singh vowed to prioritise ' socially inclusive and equitable' economic growth on Tuesday after newly-elected Congress MPs formally chose him as their leader for a second term. Congress Party chief Sonia...

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