
  • Alarcon: Cuba respects sexual diversity

    Alarcon: Cuba respects sexual diversity

    May 19, 2009

    Havana, May 17 (Prensa Latina) The president of the Cuban National Assembly (Parliament), Ricardo Alarcon, said the essence of Socialism is the inclusion rather than exclusion of people for their sexual orientation or religion. Alarcon spoke...

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  • Cuba celebrates gay rights

    Cuba celebrates gay rights

    May 19, 2009

    Cuban President Raul Castro's daughter led thousands of citizens in a street dance in central Havana on Saturday to promote gay rights. Cuban Sex Education Center director Mariela Castro kicked off a programme of events promoting...

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  • Congress wins big in India

    Congress wins big in India

    May 18, 2009

    In what was called a spectacular win, the Indian National Congress and its allies stormed back to power in parliament May 16. Pundits had predicted a much closer election than actually emerged as the country’s voters...

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  • Harry Bridges sculpture unveiled

    Harry Bridges sculpture unveiled

    May 17, 2009

    US longshore workers, members of the ILWU, today pay tribute to the two union brothers, the ILWU's first martyrs, who were the first to give their lives in the Strike of 1934, with the unveiling of...

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  • Marching to defend jobs

    Marching to defend jobs

    May 17, 2009

    Original source: Workers from factories, car plants and steel mills threatened by the economic crisis are descending on Birmingham today for a mass demonstration to defend jobs. Unite's March for Jobs protest is part of a...

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