
  • World Notes: November 15, 2008

    World Notes: November 15, 2008

    November 13, 2008

    Australia: Unions go global re climate change The Australian Workers Union (AWU) is supporting the Kevin Rudd labor government’s advocacy of a global emissions trading scheme (ETS) despite its potentially negative effect on jobs. AWU National...

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  • Populist president faces long odds

    Populist president faces long odds

    November 12, 2008

    President Fernando Lugo, up against an agrarian oligarchy and answerable to a mobilized peasant movement, has yet to introduce transformative measures reminiscent of those initiated by his Venezuelan, Bolivian and Ecuadorian counterparts. The former bishop’s election...

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  • Gardens, forests and Black artists: documentaries worth seeing

    Gardens, forests and Black artists: documentaries worth seeing

    November 12, 2008

    Some of the documentaries shown at the 44th Annual Chicago International Film Festival should be of interest to progressive activists. They deal with flora — one in the form of a community garden, another the Amazon...

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  • World reacts to Obama presidency

    World reacts to Obama presidency

    November 12, 2008

    International media coverage of the election last week of Barack Obama has continued non-stop. A survey follows. Africa Barack Obama’s Kenyan relatives and Africans in general sang and danced in the streets following Barack Obama’s election...

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  • The other Colombia stirs

    The other Colombia stirs

    November 7, 2008

    “What was new was the breadth, extent, and depth of the protest, and above all the confluence of actors.” For analyst Raul Zibechi, the “other Colombia” was manifest in a wave of indigenous and workers’ protests...

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