
  • Economy fix cant wait until 1.20.09

    Economy fix cant wait until 1.20.09

    November 7, 2008

    $700 billion bailout ‘like using a can of Red Bull and a candy bar’ As the economy continues crashing and as Congress readies for a special post-election Nov. 17 session at which it could pass a...

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  • Worldnotes: November 8, 2008

    Worldnotes: November 8, 2008

    November 7, 2008

    Greece: Labor builds toward political change Striking workers brought schools, hospitals and transportation services — and half of Greece’s factories — to a 24 hour halt Oct. 21 as the Confederation of Greek Workers, joined by...

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  • Human beings, not commodities

    Human beings, not commodities

    November 1, 2008

    People’s Global Action held demonstrations Oct. 27 as the opening of the UN-sponsored Global Forum on Migration and Development kicked off in Manila. Under the theme, “Migrant workers are human beings, not commodities,” the nine-day PGA...

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  • World Notes

    World Notes

    October 30, 2008

    Syria: U.S. raid kills 8 At a London press conference Oct. 27, Syria’s foreign minister Walid al-Moallem condemned a cross-border raid by four U.S. helicopters the previous day that killed at least eight civilians and wounded...

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  • Harper loses bid for Conservative majority

    Harper loses bid for Conservative majority

    October 24, 2008

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia — After two years of right-wing rule on Oct. 14 voters punished the incumbent Conservative Party government headed by Stephen Harper by refusing to give him a majority government. The Conservatives, or Tories,...

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