• Californias budget: Something for everyone to hate

    Californias budget: Something for everyone to hate

    July 22, 2009

    After weeks of behind-the-scenes negotiations, legislative leaders and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced on the night of July 20 that they had reached tentative agreement on how to cope with the state’s $26.3 billion budget deficit. The...

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  • Cost of health reform becomes new battleground

    Cost of health reform becomes new battleground

    July 21, 2009 By Susan Webb

    Opponents of real health care reform are now zeroing in on how it will be financed. They are arguing that universal health coverage, especially a public plan, is too expensive or, if they can’t block a...

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  • WORLDNOTES China, Nigeria, Israel, Bolivia, Turkey, Cuba

    WORLDNOTES China, Nigeria, Israel, Bolivia, Turkey, Cuba

    July 21, 2009 By Teresa Albano

    China: Gov’t revamps health care, Nigeria: Insurgents call for ceasefire,Israel: Soldiers speak out, Bolivia: President lambasts U.S. bases, Turkey: Agreements reached on gas pipeline, Cuba: The ‘Five’ gain international support

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  • Fight for the Cuban Five goes on

    Fight for the Cuban Five goes on

    July 21, 2009

    The dust has settled following the announcement June 15 that the U.S. Supreme Court had refused to review the case of the imprisoned Cuban Five. A storm of outrage exploded, followed by expressions of international solidarity....

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  • Texas unemployment offices break down

    Texas unemployment offices break down

    July 19, 2009

    Unprecedented unemployment and political posturing by Governor Rick Perry have forced the Texas Workforce Commmission into a complete breakdown. There were warnings from the Texas AFL-CIO more than a month ago, but the corporate media reported...

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