• Done crying, today shell even smile  minimum wage & one moms story

    Done crying, today shell even smile minimum wage & one moms story

    July 24, 2009

    MERIDEN, Kan. — Celeste Henderson is a living, breathing mom who is in the news today, but only as a statistic. She’s one of the millions of American low-wage workers directly affected by Friday’s hike in...

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  • Please come to Pittsburgh

    Please come to Pittsburgh

    July 24, 2009

    They say that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Maybe, at times, that’s true. This is about what is going to happen in another city, however — the home of the Pirates, Steeltown, USA, —...

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  • Media on card check Wrong or just missing the point?

    Media on card check Wrong or just missing the point?

    July 24, 2009

    Just days after the New York Times and other media outlets reported recently that a group of senators “dropped” the majority sign-up provision of the Employee Free Choice Act, the Service Employees International Union responded with...

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  • EDITORIAL Wealthy vs. healthy

    EDITORIAL Wealthy vs. healthy

    July 23, 2009

    The nation’s biggest banks are awash in profits. Wells Fargo reports second-quarter profits up 47 percent over a year ago. It raked in $2.58 billion, up from $1.75 billion for the same period last year. Citigroup...

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  • COMMENTARY Obama, my grandpa and health care

    COMMENTARY Obama, my grandpa and health care

    July 23, 2009

    My grandfather retired from Chrysler in the early 1980s. He was what we in the Midwest call a 'stand-up guy.' He worked hard and did his job, but he never took any crap from anybody, especially...

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