• New York Pride

    New York Pride

    July 3, 2009

    The demand for full marriage rights was a major theme at the June 28 Gay Pride Parade in New York. The parade route took the marchers past the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar raided by police...

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  • Change comes to the Peoples Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo

    Change comes to the Peoples Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo

    July 3, 2009 By Teresa Albano

    Can you believe it? It still seems like a dream to me. This fighting, working-class newspaper is back to daily publishing! Following in the footsteps of The Daily Worker and all the other great newspapers that...

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  • EDITORIAL Madoff is just tip of the iceberg

    EDITORIAL Madoff is just tip of the iceberg

    July 2, 2009

    Finance capital went to confession, told the judge its sins, and he administered the penance — 150 years in the clinker for 79-year-old Bernard Madoff. The stain of sin on the decent soul of Wall Street’s...

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  • Climate bill moves to Senate

    Climate bill moves to Senate

    July 2, 2009

    Coalitions of labor and environmental groups cheered the passage of the historic climate change legislation in the House last month. But the hard work for a similar bill in the Senate has just begun, they added....

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  • The hemispheric significance of the Honduras events

    The hemispheric significance of the Honduras events

    July 2, 2009

    Honduran President Manuel Zelaya has announced he will return to his country this weekend, accompanied by a distinguished group of Latin American and International figures including Organization of American States Secretary General José Miguel Insulza and...

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