• EDITORIAL Big step backward

    EDITORIAL Big step backward

    July 2, 2009

    The city of New Haven threw out a fire department promotions exam because it yielded results that did not promote equality. The city’s decision was in keeping with the need to guarantee the civil rights of...

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  • ‘Underlying conditions’ for Honduras coup?

    ‘Underlying conditions’ for Honduras coup?

    July 1, 2009

    The generals, oligarchs and corrupt politicians who perpetrated Sunday’s coup d’état against Honduran president Manuel Zelaya are beginning to sweat as militant demonstrations and strikes continue in the capital of Tegucigalpa and elsewhere, as stories of...

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  • Apologizing for the rich aint what it used to be!

    Apologizing for the rich aint what it used to be!

    July 1, 2009

    In the good old days one of the most enviable of jobs was that of a commentator or writer whose responsibility it was to explain to us in the mass audience why rich people are so...

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  • Hartmarx workers declare victory

    Hartmarx workers declare victory

    June 30, 2009

    DES PLAINES, Ill. — In an unprecedented display of hope, struggle and unity, more than 600 workers at the Hart Schaffner & Marx factory here joined with union leaders and elected officials in a rally June...

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  • June 30 marks first step in U.S. Iraq pullout

    June 30 marks first step in U.S. Iraq pullout

    June 30, 2009 By Susan Webb

    Tomorrow the U.S. and Iraq will officially mark the pullout of U.S. troops from Iraq’s cities and towns. Coming six years after the massive U.S. invasion, it is the first step in a withdrawal timetable agreed...

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