• Editorial: Seeking a nuke-free world

    Editorial: Seeking a nuke-free world

    April 11, 2009

    President Obama told a crowd of 20,000 in Prague April 5 that the U.S., the only nation that has ever used nuclear weapons, has a “moral responsibility” to lead the way in seeking “the peace and...

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  • Editorial: In defense of equality

    Editorial: In defense of equality

    April 11, 2009

    All people who cherish liberty, justice and equality have something to celebrate after Iowa’s Supreme Court and Vermont’s Legislature added those states to the short list of places in America where gay marriage is recognized as...

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  • LETTERS Banks, pensions, G20, drugs, and more

    LETTERS Banks, pensions, G20, drugs, and more

    April 11, 2009

    Banks What to do with the banks? Turn them into credit unions!! Jo Forman Via e-mail Pension theft A recent article from Raw Story on how our pension money was shifted into stocks just before the...

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  • Bandana Project protests sexual violence against women farmworkers

    Bandana Project protests sexual violence against women farmworkers

    April 10, 2009

    CHICAGO — Farmworker and women’s rights groups came together here April 8, to protest sexual violence against farmworker women and other low-wage female immigrant workers in the U.S. Legendary farmworker leader Dolores Huerta and others spoke...

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  • Of long fuses and seven league boots: US labor today

    Of long fuses and seven league boots: US labor today

    April 9, 2009

    I don’t know if Steven Greenhouse, of the New York Times, writes his own headlines. Doubt it. But I was sure struck by his article headlined, “In America, Labor has an Unusually Long Fuse.” It reminded...

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