• Teacher union organizes three charter schools, an area-wide first

    Teacher union organizes three charter schools, an area-wide first

    April 7, 2009

    CHICAGO -- In a historic step, an overwhelming majority of teachers at three area charter school campuses, joined by parents and community leaders, filed authorization cards April 3 with the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board to...

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  • LETTERS On taxpayers, Special Olympics, change, hope and life

    LETTERS On taxpayers, Special Olympics, change, hope and life

    April 4, 2009

    On taxpayers Your March 28 headline in English refers to “the taxpayers’ dole.” The Spanish headline is more accurate, referring to “the workers’ funds.” The difference is important. Once taxes are collected they belong to the...

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  • At issue: role of government

    At issue: role of government

    April 4, 2009

    At issue: role of government Government of the people, by the people, for the people. Abraham Lincoln, 1863. Today’s Republican right wants us to forget this concept. They persist in the discredited mantra, going back to...

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  • Car talk: whats wrong, whos to blame?

    Car talk: whats wrong, whos to blame?

    April 4, 2009

    President Obama’s auto task force is giving Chrysler 30 days to finalize a merger with Fiat, and General Motors 60 days to further consolidate brands, reduce debt and show additional plans to produce fuel efficient “green”...

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  • WORLDNOTES  Spain, Madagascar, South Korea, Iraq, Argentina, Cuba

    WORLDNOTES Spain, Madagascar, South Korea, Iraq, Argentina, Cuba

    April 3, 2009

    Spain: Students rebel Student demonstrations and occupations resumed nationwide last month against the 10-year-old Bologna process aimed at creating uniformity among European universities. Months of protests culminated March 18 when tens of thousands demonstrated, calling for...

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