• Keep organizing for single-payer health care, Conyers urges

    Keep organizing for single-payer health care, Conyers urges

    March 11, 2009

    PHILADELPHIA — Hundreds of people at a town hall meeting here heard Michigan Congressman John Conyers urge continued organizing and lobbying for the U.S. National Health Insurance Act (HR 676), commonly known as the single-payer Medicare...

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  • El Salvador poised to make history

    El Salvador poised to make history

    March 11, 2009

    RIVER FOREST, Ill. -- After 20 years of one-party rule and 17 years after the end of a brutal civil war, a seismic political shift is shaping up in El Salvador. Recent polls indicate Mauricio Funes...

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  • As U.S. prepares to leave, whats happening in Iraq?

    As U.S. prepares to leave, whats happening in Iraq?

    March 11, 2009 By Susan Webb

    Iraqis reject religious agendas, demand action on basic needs As the U.S. moves to wind down its disastrous six-year occupation of Iraq, what is the shape of the country it is preparing to leave?

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  • Obama needs to launch WPA 2.0

    Obama needs to launch WPA 2.0

    March 10, 2009

    Reposted from www.rifuture.org On the side walk outside of my house in the Saylesville section of Lincoln, RI, is a copper emblem sunk into the concrete dating back to 1939. As you can from the picture,...

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  • Bread and roses 2009: Women need a union

    Bread and roses 2009: Women need a union

    March 9, 2009 By Joelle Fishman

    March 8 International Women's Day was born of the struggles of women in the textile mills in our country at the turn of the last century. They fought and died for better wages and working conditions,...

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