• UK honors Claudia Jones with stamp

    UK honors Claudia Jones with stamp

    March 6, 2009

    Britain’s Royal Mail issued a stamp last October honoring six “Women of Distinction” in the UK, among them Claudia Jones, a leader of the Communist Party USA who was deported from the United States in 1955,...

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  • Have you joined the Facebook revolution?

    Have you joined the Facebook revolution?

    March 6, 2009

    “I Facebook, therefore I am,” was a headline I read online recently. Almost everyone I know has a Facebook account and it seems people are more and more joining a growing cultural trend of cyber-social networking....

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  • Union members — making change from bottom up

    Union members — making change from bottom up

    March 5, 2009

    MIAMI — “Change made from the bottom up” is being proven in life here by members of the 12-million-strong AFL-CIO labor federation. Even as an economic tsunami threatens to engulf America’s workers, the union movement is...

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  • Labor movement backs bank nationalization

    Labor movement backs bank nationalization

    March 5, 2009

    MIAMI — The nation’s largest labor federation has called for nationalization of the nation’s major banks. In a detailed statement, the AFL-CIO, at its executive council meeting here, called on the Obama administration to intervene when...

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  • Health advocates tell Capitol Hill: go for single-payer, not Mass. plan

    Health advocates tell Capitol Hill: go for single-payer, not Mass. plan

    March 4, 2009

    A packed Capitol Hill forum Feb. 25 heard a warning that national health care reform should steer clear of the problems Massachusetts has experienced with its state program. Titled “National Lessons from State Health Reform: the...

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