• WORLDNOTES  February 14, 2009

    WORLDNOTES February 14, 2009

    February 6, 2009

    France: Unions mount general strike Protesting failure by the government of conservative President Nicolas Sarkozy to protect jobs and support consumer buying power while bailing out banks, eight national unions in a rare manifestation of unity...

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  • Worker-farmer protests rock Mexico

    Worker-farmer protests rock Mexico

    February 6, 2009

    A major event took place just across our border, but few U.S. media took note of it: Hundreds of thousands of workers and farmers marched through the streets of Mexico City and other Mexican cities and...

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  • GOP diehards try to block stimulus plan

    GOP diehards try to block stimulus plan

    February 6, 2009

    Despite the spreading job and foreclosure crises, with growing reports of people sleeping in alleys and tunnels, under bridges and highways, and in cars and tents, right-wing Republicans are trying to block President Obama’s National Recovery...

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  • 1.5 million to Capitol Hill: Pass Employee Free Choice Act

    1.5 million to Capitol Hill: Pass Employee Free Choice Act

    February 5, 2009

    WASHINGTON (PAI)--Before a chilled crowd of almost 4,000 people, and standing among boxes named by state and symbolizing the 1.4 million cards, letters and e-mails sent to Congress, organized labor launched this year’s drive to pass...

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  • Colombian hostages released, peace hopes raised

    Colombian hostages released, peace hopes raised

    February 4, 2009

    In December, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) signaled its intention to release six prisoners. The guerrillas brought the prisoners to a clearing in Caquetá Department on Feb. 1. The three policemen and one soldier...

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