• An extraordinary Black History Month

    An extraordinary Black History Month

    January 30, 2009

    African American History Month is celebrated every February. It is always an important time to not only look back at how a courageous people made great strides towards freedom but also think about how to advance...

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  • Making history, Bolivians approve new constitution

    Making history, Bolivians approve new constitution

    January 30, 2009

    Bolivians celebrated long into the night following referendum approval of a new constitution by a 62 percent majority on Jan. 25. Opposition forces gained 36.4 percent of the 3.9 million votes cast. “The democratic spirit of...

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  • WORLDNOTES – February 7, 2009

    WORLDNOTES – February 7, 2009

    January 30, 2009

    Philippines: Political killings rise Human rights activists say 900 extrajudicial executions have taken place during Gloria Arroyo’s presidency, while 200 others have “disappeared.” Writing in the UK Telegraph, Thomas Bell noted that five additional leftist and...

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  • Give diplomacy a chance in Afghanistan

    Give diplomacy a chance in Afghanistan

    January 30, 2009

    In its opening days, the Obama administration has set the stage for both diplomatic and military moves in Afghanistan and South Asia. Peace movement leaders here urge emphasis on diplomacy and economic aid, and warn that...

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  • As layoffs spread, pressure grows to pass recovery act

    As layoffs spread, pressure grows to pass recovery act

    January 30, 2009

    The news that another 100,000 workers have lost their jobs sent a shock wave across the nation even as President Obama visited Capitol Hill Jan. 27 to urge quick approval of his $825 billion economic stimulus...

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