
  • Rethinking Toyota, autoworkers and allies

    Rethinking Toyota, autoworkers and allies

    September 21, 2007 By Jobs with Justice activist

    People who own Toyotas are either the moral equivalent of scabs or they are one of the most potentially powerful allies U.S. organized labor has today.

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  • Bottom line: occupation is the problem

    Bottom line: occupation is the problem

    September 14, 2007

    News Analysis Gen. David Petraeus’ testimony to Congress was long-awaited. Many moderate Republicans who claim to be uncomfortable with President Bush’s ongoing Iraq war policy insisted on waiting for Petraeus’ September report rather than making “rash”...

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  • Is Bush planning war on Iran?

    Is Bush planning war on Iran?

    September 7, 2007

    News Analysis The Sunday Times of London is reporting that the Pentagon has plans for three days of massive air strikes against 1,200 targets in Iran. Last week, Alexis Debat, director of terrorism and national security...

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  • A look behind the housing crisis

    A look behind the housing crisis

    August 31, 2007

    Close to a million families lost their homes last year. This year, it will likely be 2 million. There were 25,000 layoffs in the mortgage industry in the first three weeks of August. Building supply and...

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  • Padilla verdict raises troubling questions

    Padilla verdict raises troubling questions

    August 24, 2007

    News Analysis José Padilla, a U.S. citizen and convert to Islam, was convicted by a federal jury in Miami, on Aug 16, on three charges of conspiracy and material support for terrorism. The verdict may be...

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