
  • Autoworkers see tough fight ahead

    Autoworkers see tough fight ahead

    July 20, 2007

    News Analysis United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger says the union is not entering the upcoming contract talks with Detroit automakers with givebacks in mind. “We’re not going into negotiations in a concessionary mode, I’ll tell...

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  • What happened to immigration reform?

    What happened to immigration reform?

    July 6, 2007

    Commentary The Senate last month failed to pass the Bush-backed immigration reform plan, known as the “grand bargain.” It’s now widely reported that any immigration reform measures will have to wait until after the 2008 elections....

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  • Darfur, oil and the China card

    Darfur, oil and the China card

    July 6, 2007

    Darfur has almost become a household word, and with good reason. The first human-made catastrophe of the 21st century, its death count combined with the huge humanitarian crisis staggers the imagination. Whether it’s the 400,000 claimed...

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  • Protests mark G-8 summit in Germany

    Protests mark G-8 summit in Germany

    June 15, 2007

    News Analysis Demonstrators from throughout Europe flooded Germany last week to protest the G-8 Summit held June 6-8 in the coastal town of Heiligendamm on the Baltic Sea. Security measures for the summit, which was attended...

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  • Missile base flap shows Czech rightward trajectory

    Missile base flap shows Czech rightward trajectory

    June 15, 2007

    NewsAnalysis A dispute has arisen within the Czech Republic over Bush administration plans to set up a “Star Wars”-type anti-missile base south of the capital, Prague, and another in Poland. Russian President Vladimir Putin reacted angrily...

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