
  • The Struggle for African American Freedom Continues

    The Struggle for African American Freedom Continues

    February 16, 2007

    The following is the text of a speech Jarvis Tyner, executive vice-chair of the Communist Party USA, delivered to the Trade Union Council as part of his tour of the United Kingdom in October 2006. Originally...

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  • Yugoslavia: a historic view

    Yugoslavia: a historic view

    February 9, 2007 By Norman Markowitz

    When the term “balkanization” is used, it has long meant to break a territory or a region up into hostile, unmanageable parts. The Balkans has long been portrayed by imperialist ideology as a region filled with...

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  • Mexicos tortilla crisis: harvest of NAFTA

    Mexicos tortilla crisis: harvest of NAFTA

    February 9, 2007

    NewsAnalysis More than 120,000 people protested in Mexico City, Jan. 31, against massive hikes in the price of white maize (called “corn” in the U.S.) and other basic foodstuffs — up nearly 100 percent since Christmas...

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  • House moving to restore workers rights

    House moving to restore workers rights

    February 9, 2007

    News Analysis The AFL-CIO and the Change to Win unions have launched a full-court press to restore workers’ rights to join a union and bargain a contract. Step No. 1 was introduction of the Employee Free...

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  • War with Iran? Not if Congress acts

    War with Iran? Not if Congress acts

    February 9, 2007

    Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Feb. 1, Zbigniew Brzezinski blasted the “U.S. war of choice in Iraq” calling it a “historic, strategic and moral calamity.”

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