
  • GOP demands tax payoff for minimum wage

    GOP demands tax payoff for minimum wage

    February 2, 2007

    Commentary Anyone who believed there was going to be a bipartisan effort in Congress to reflect the voters’ views got doused with a bucket of cold water last week when GOP senators tried to block a...

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  • Lebanon crisis a mix of complex issues

    Lebanon crisis a mix of complex issues

    February 2, 2007

    Protests and a Jan. 23 one-day general strike have rocked Lebanon. Some violent incidents resulted in three deaths and 100 injuries. The violence is one factor triggering Lebanese fears of a new civil war, but there...

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  • No Child Left Behind up for review

    No Child Left Behind up for review

    February 2, 2007

    News Analysis The day after President Bush’s State of the Union address, the secretary of education, Margaret Spellings, presented a proposal to reauthorize the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), the administration’s troubled education law. Speaking...

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  • Frances homeless step up their struggle

    Frances homeless step up their struggle

    January 26, 2007

    NewsAnalysis PARIS — The new year in France has opened with bold and coordinated protests by the nation’s homeless. The protests are taking place against the backdrop of two years of intensified struggle by the country’s...

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  • Bush maneuvers on wiretaps

    Bush maneuvers on wiretaps

    January 26, 2007

    NewsAnalysis The Bush administration, in a letter last week from Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to Congress, seemed to back away from its assertion that it has the right to spy on phone conversations of anybody in...

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