
  • PTSD: Every Soldiers Personal WAR!

    PTSD: Every Soldiers Personal WAR!

    January 22, 2006

    In the last month I have been working with Jay Shaft, the editor of Coalition For Free Thought in media, regarding my experiences in Iraq and since coming home from the war. We have only touched...

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  • In Chicago, cuts in AIDS funding increase misery

    In Chicago, cuts in AIDS funding increase misery

    January 22, 2006

    The cuts in AIDS funding are already being felt by local agencies. The Ryan White CARE Act was flat funded in the last budget. The word on the street is that they will be focusing on...

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  • A popular look at physics today

    A popular look at physics today

    January 20, 2006

    A Briefer History of Time By Stephen Hawking with Leonard Mlodinow Bantam, 2005 Hardcover, 176 pp., $25 If you aren’t a scientist but seek to understand the latest theories of physics, then this book is for...

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  • Nuts and bolts of exploitation

    Nuts and bolts of exploitation

    January 20, 2006

    Inequality Matters: The Growing Economic Divide in America and Its Poisonous Consequences By James Lardner and David A. Smith, editors Published by Demos/The New Press, 2006 Hardcover, 328 pp., $25.95 A handful of American intellectuals actually...

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  • Waging war on Haitis poor

    Waging war on Haitis poor

    January 20, 2006

    Canada in Haiti: Waging War on the Poor Majority By Yves Engler and Anthony Fenton Fernwood Publishing, 2005 Softcover, 256 pp., $12.95 While Canadian involvement in Afghanistan makes headlines, less well known is its role in...

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