Waging war on Haitis poor
January 20, 2006Canada in Haiti: Waging War on the Poor Majority By Yves Engler and Anthony Fenton Fernwood Publishing, 2005 Softcover, 256 pp., $12.95 While Canadian involvement in Afghanistan makes headlines, less well known is its role in...
Read moreHealth Care is a Right strong and simple
January 20, 2006On Election Day 2005, Seattle’s voters resoundingly approved an advisory measure for an American right to health care, Ballot Measure 1. The vote was 69 percent yes to 31 percent no. It capped a two-year effort...
Read moreBush counterterrorism initiative in Africa?
January 20, 2006Across the front pages of several of this nation’s newspapers came the recent announcement that the Bush administration had embarked on another adventure in its “war against terrorism.” Referred to as the “Trans-Sahara Counter-Terrorism Initiative,” this...
Read moreLetters
January 20, 2006Got it right My wife and I were sad, after reading and listening to the corporate media, that the New York transit workers had lost their strike. It took the People’s Weekly World to get it...
Read moreEditorial: Scrooges budget
January 20, 2006Just before Christmas, Vice President Dick Cheney, his face fixed in its perpetual Scrooge-like scowl, flew home from the Middle East to cast a tie-breaking Senate vote for a budget reconciliation bill that cuts human needs...
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