Daily Online

  • US military aid to Colombia is privatized

    US military aid to Colombia is privatized

    August 15, 2009

    Venezuelan-U.S. lawyer Eva Golinger claims that more than half of the $520 million paid out by the U.S. State Department as military aid to Colombia under Plan Colombia is routed through private U.S. contractors. Golinger makes...

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  • Professor in Colombia victim of repression

    Professor in Colombia victim of repression

    August 14, 2009

    Miguel Ángel Beltrán, formerly a sociology professor at the National University and University of Antioquia, was extradited last May from Mexico City to Colombia. He’s been in jail since. Judicial proceedings began late last month on...

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  • ‘The biggest fight between labor and capital since 1947’

    ‘The biggest fight between labor and capital since 1947’

    August 14, 2009

    PITTSBURGH - 'We are on the verge of passing the most important piece of legislation in 75 years - the Employee Free Choice Act,' AFL-CIO director of organizing Stewart Acuff told a packed panel discussion here...

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  • Congressman Sestak: I wont budge on public option

    Congressman Sestak: I wont budge on public option

    August 14, 2009

    PHILADELPHIA — In a packed meeting August 12 at a south Philadelphia church Congressman Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) brought the crowd of over 600 to its feet when he said he “would not budge” on the need...

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  • Bloombergs grip may be slipping

    Bloombergs grip may be slipping

    August 14, 2009

    NEW YORK—“Rich guys don’t always win.” That’s what Mayor Michael Bloomberg, running for re-election in November on the Republican and Independence Parties’ lines, told the Working Families Party forum July 6, in response to a question...

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