Daily Online

  • The last thing Detroit needs: Wall Street dictators

    The last thing Detroit needs: Wall Street dictators

    August 14, 2009

    Opinion DETROIT — If one looks at the big picture, the city of Detroit is being set up by the powers that be, including the news media, for the same treatment as the school system here...

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  • Whats really behind the death panel scare?

    Whats really behind the death panel scare?

    August 14, 2009

    Telling seniors they will have to appear before “death panels” which will decide whether they live or die is not just another one of the many outrageous lies invented by the right wing. More than just...

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  • Labor and bloggers join forces at Netroots Nation

    Labor and bloggers join forces at Netroots Nation

    August 14, 2009

    PITTSBURGH, Pa. - 'We are using technology to go beyond our traditional organizing efforts,' Eric Russell, from the United Steelworkers union (USW) communications department, told workshop attendees here at the Netroots Nation conference August 13. 'We're...

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  • Letters


    August 14, 2009

    Thanks from an autoworker I want to thank John Rummel for his article about the letter sent to President Obama by 50 autoworkers, retirees and supporters calling for the rapid “green” conversion of shuttered auto plants...

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  • Soldier resists Afghanistan deployment

    Soldier resists Afghanistan deployment

    August 14, 2009

    Sgt. Travis Bishop served 14 months in Iraq before he was ordered to deploy to war stricken Afghanistan. Yet he refused to go and calls the war “illegal.” He is the second soldier in the past...

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