Daily Online

  • Union members take back town halls

    Union members take back town halls

    August 14, 2009

    Original source: The word is getting out to union members across the country that voices of working families must be included—and heard—in the growing health care reform debate taking place at town hall meetings across the...

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  • Recession over? Not really

    Recession over? Not really

    August 14, 2009 By John Case

    The job news is confusing. Headlines are announcing 'stabilization', 'unemployment rate falls', 'recession is over this month'. But step into your neighborhood bar -- or coffee shop if you're on the wagon -- and a truer...

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  • Immigrants don’t overuse health care system

    Immigrants don’t overuse health care system

    August 14, 2009

    It's not exactly news among those who follow these things, but it bears noting that a new report once more shows that immigrants in the United States today, whether they have legal status or not, are...

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  • Bloggers, activists head to Pittsburgh for Netroots Nation confab

    Bloggers, activists head to Pittsburgh for Netroots Nation confab

    August 13, 2009

    PITTSBURGH, Pa. — With more than 1,500 progressive bloggers and activists streaming into Steel City for the Netroots Nation confab this week, Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., joined United Steelworkers president Leo Gerard, Campaign for America’s Future...

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  • Vets for Peace map next steps to end wars

    Vets for Peace map next steps to end wars

    August 13, 2009

    Moving from Hope to Action was the theme of the Veterans for Peace national convention last week. The group’s executive director, Michael McPhearson, and other leaders hailed the movement that helped elect the first U.S. president...

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