Daily Online

  • Obama awards 16 with Presidential Medal of Freedom

    Obama awards 16 with Presidential Medal of Freedom

    August 13, 2009

    The lifetime accomplishments of 16 activists, entertainers, doctors, scientists and athletes will be awarded the highest civilian honor this afternoon, known as the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The awards, presented by President Barack Obama recognizes individuals...

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  • Where is the struggle for immigration reform going?

    Where is the struggle for immigration reform going?

    August 13, 2009

    President Obama announced this week that he thinks that immigration reform legislation can be done early next year, 2010. This represents a postponement from the original idea of getting it done this coming fall. Although this...

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  • At town hall, Obama slams healthcare scare tactics

    At town hall, Obama slams healthcare scare tactics

    August 12, 2009

    President Obama counter-punched against ultra-right disrupters, Aug. 11, appealing to a crowd of 1,800 who packed the Portsmouth, N.H. High School Gymnasium to support health care reform that provides quality, affordable coverage for all. Speaking to...

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  • Health care reform should include immigrants, Latino groups say

    Health care reform should include immigrants, Latino groups say

    August 12, 2009

    The heated debate surrounding health care reform should not exclude anyone, including legal and undocumented immigrants, civil rights leaders and Latino labor groups say. It’s not right that immigrants leave their home countries for a better...

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  • Lou Dobbs does it again: calls for firing grow

    Lou Dobbs does it again: calls for firing grow

    August 12, 2009

    The campaign against hate speech was given a fresh impulse when CNN columnist Lou Dobbs used hateful extremist language against Gov. Howard Dean alleging he is someone who is out to advance the ideas of “liberal...

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