Daily Online

  • Big business blocks working family bills by keeping Frankens Senate seat vacant

    Big business blocks working family bills by keeping Frankens Senate seat vacant

    April 20, 2009 By Seth Michaels

    It’s April 2009 and we’re still checking back in to see who won in Minnesota’s hard-fought 2008 Senate race between incumbent Norm Coleman and AFL-CIO-endorsed challenger Al Franken—because corporate front groups are dumping money into delaying...

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  • A revolution in education

    A revolution in education

    April 20, 2009

    Original source: British teachers may be struggling against low pay, growing class sizes, damaging testing regimes and privatisation - but they have been offered hope by a system that puts people first. Cuban teacher Lissette Rubio...

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  • Greens hail Obama’s ok to regulate greenhouse emissions

    Greens hail Obama’s ok to regulate greenhouse emissions

    April 19, 2009

    WASHINGTON, Apr 17 (IPS) - U.S. green groups hailed Friday's formal finding by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that carbon dioxide and several other greenhouse gases 'endanger' public health and welfare as a landmark – if...

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  • Civil Rights community rallies around Employee Free Choice Act

    Civil Rights community rallies around Employee Free Choice Act

    April 19, 2009

    Original source: The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) is gaining support across the country as well as on Capitol Hill, with more than 150 grassroots organizations joining President Obama, Vice President Biden, and congressional leaders in...

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  • Wage and Hour Division gets new leader

    Wage and Hour Division gets new leader

    April 19, 2009

    Earlier this week, President Obama announced he intends to nominate Lorelei Boylan as administrator for the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division and Thomasina Rogers as chairwoman of the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission...

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