Daily Online

  • Growing interest in Japan about Venezuela’s revolution

    Growing interest in Japan about Venezuela’s revolution

    April 18, 2009

    (Akahata is published by the Communist Party of Japan) Japanese Communist Party Social Sciences Institute Director Fuwa Tetsuzo (former JCP Central Committee chair) on April 7 attended a meeting in Tokyo with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez...

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  • Obama admin. announces funding for ‘smart grid’

    Obama admin. announces funding for ‘smart grid’

    April 17, 2009

    As part the economic stimulus package, Vice President Joe Biden unveiled a $4 billion plan today in Jefferson City, Missouri to fund the construction of a new 'smart' electrical grid. The Vice President spoke at a...

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  • Obama outlines pro-worker tax policy, slams right-wing scare tactics

    Obama outlines pro-worker tax policy, slams right-wing scare tactics

    April 17, 2009 By Susan Webb

    While right-wingers tried to resuscitate their discredited movement with Fox-amplified anti-tax “tea party” protests yesterday, President Obama outlined a set of strongly pro-working-class tax reform initiatives.

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  • India’s polls and South Asian peace

    India’s polls and South Asian peace

    April 17, 2009

    Original source: 'Just as the winds of change have swept across the United States, I have no doubt that India too will witness change when the next parliamentary elections take place in a few months.' Thus...

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  • Immigration reform  welcome news

    Immigration reform welcome news

    April 17, 2009

    We welcome the news that both of the nation’s major labor federations have agreed to join forces to support an overhaul of the immigration system. They are backing the Obama administration’s call for a path to...

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