Daily Online

  • Economic blackmail

    Economic blackmail

    March 28, 2009

    Original source: Corporate opponents of workers’ freedom to form unions repeatedly have shown they are not interested in the welfare of their employees or any of the pseudo-lofty ideals they cite while fighting the Employee Free...

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  • Make the rich carry the load

    Make the rich carry the load

    March 28, 2009 By Louise Nousratpour

    Union leaders called on ministers to tax the super-rich and clamp down hard on tax dodgers on Thursday as thousands prepared to join Saturday's G20 march for jobs, justice and climate.

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  • Iraqi teachers union under attack

    Iraqi teachers union under attack

    March 28, 2009

    (UnionBook) The Iraqi Teachers Union is facing extreme attack from the Iraqi government. The Iraqi government has appointed an official body and granted it the authority to take over the union. This government body demanded that...

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  • Okinawa’s administrator of land for U.S. military use decides to refuse to renew lease agreement

    Okinawa’s administrator of land for U.S. military use decides to refuse to renew lease agreement

    March 28, 2009

    (Akahata is published by the Communist Party of Japan) The organization administering land for U.S. military use in the Igei District of Kin Town, Okinawa, on March 22 unanimously decided not to renew the land-lease agreement...

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  • Converting water into a commodity is the dominant trend

    Converting water into a commodity is the dominant trend

    March 28, 2009

    (l'Humanite) Translated by Anatoli Ricardo Petrella, Secretary General of the International Committee for the Global Water Contract, condemns transnational business groups trying to grab the vital asset. Q: What do you think of the United Nations’...

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